On December 11th, Poland High School Spanish and Italian clubs got together and made Christmas cards for a local nursing home. This put many people in the Christmas spirit, and they were thankful to be able to give back to the nursing homes.
Freshman Madison Medvec said, “It was a way to get me in the Christmas spirit, and it brought joy to myself knowing that I helped out the Italian Club and nursing home residents ensuring everyone has a Merry Christmas.”
Students say that we should keep this tradition alive since it brings the Christmas spirit and joy!
This also lets us, “Keep the nursing home people in our minds and always thinking of them,” said Freshman Gianna Page.
During this short amount of time, some students were able to make quite a bit of cards. Freshman Avery Zmith said she made “about 4 cards,” and Freshman Catie Catcott said she made “2-3 cards.” The numbers may not sound big per person, but with a lot of students, both clubs were able to make a lot of cards.
Many nursing home residents spend the holidays alone, and it can be a depressing and challenging time for some residents, but these students came together to make cards to help make the holidays easier for them. We asked some of the club members how they think these cards affected the residents during this holiday season.
Catcott from Spanish Club said, “I think that all the nursing home residents will be very grateful and love to see all the cards that the high schoolers made in thought of them.”
Zmith said, “I think it put a smile on their faces.”
Some students had particular parts about this experience that they enjoyed the most.
Zmith said that her favorite part was “including a wholesome message on the inside of each and every card I created.”
Catcott said, “My favorite part about making cards was knowing that these were going to go towards a good cause and make all the residents happy.”
Overall, this whole experience brought everyone joy and made them feel good.