Welcome to the District, Mr. Purins

Mr. David Purins is the new Poland Middle School Principal this year, and the transition has been very positive.

Previously, he was a principal at Austintown Fitch High School for four years. When the opportunity came up for him to obtain the Poland Middle School principal job, he was very excited because of the good community Poland Schools are in.

“Coming to the Middle School was a positive transition and that was because of the good foundation that Mr. Covell and Mr. Kempers placed at the school before I came and took over,” said Purins

There has been new changes in the school this year. They have combined the fifth and sixth grade with the seventh in their own building, and the eighth grade has their own level.

“It is good to have our fifth graders look up to our eighth graders, similar to how freshman look up to seniors at the high school,” said Mr. Purins.

One new program being implemented into the middle school is called “Say Something.” It encourages students to talk to someone who they wouldn’t normally.

There are also school clubs that Purins takes pride in his students doing.

Purins is positive about the remainder of the school year.