Girls Lacrosse

The Poland Bulldogs Girls Lacrosse team’s season is right around the corner. Their first game is March 10 against Stow. The team consists of 27 girls, led by head coach, Carly Shutrump, and new assistant coach, Nicole Blaze. I sat down and spoke with senior Sydney Phillips to get an inside look at the upcoming season;


Seminarian: How is the team looking so far based on your preseason workouts?


Sydney: Season is looking good. There are a lot of athletic girls. We also have 10 returning players, so we will be more experienced this year.


Seminarian: What are you looking forward to most this season?


Sydney: I’m most looking forward to beating Canfield this year.


Seminarian: What does it mean to you, this being it’s your senior season?


Sydney: I’m heartbroken that it is my last year because I love playing this sport. I will miss the girls that I have played with and created friendships with the most.


Seminarian: How do you feel about your new assistant coach, Mrs.Blaze?


Sydney: Mrs.Blaze is super joyful and fun to be around. I think she’ll be a good new edition for the team.


Best of luck to the girls lacrosse team as they head into the beginning of their season!