FCCLA Fundraiser Success for Local Animal Charity

Mrs. Walsh and FCCLA came together to raise money for the New Lease on Life Fundraiser.

According to Mrs. Walsh, “ New Lease on Life lost one of their biggest contributors this year and are hurting for money.”

Therefore, FCCLA came together around a good time and started this fundraiser for anyone to bring in money or items for pets.

The winning class will get waffles made by Mrs. Walsh herself.

The winning class for the money was Mrs. Queen’s class; and the winning class for the items was Mrs. Smith’s College Credit Plus English 12 Class.

Mrs. Walsh also stated that “when it came down to it the total money made by each class was around 750 dollars.”

Mrs. Walsh and FCCLA are very proud of the donations made by our student body and hope to raise even more next year to help out such a great cause.