Senior Superlatives

Senior superlatives are a fun way to acknowledge some of the best attributes of the graduating class. Students vote for other seniors that relate to a specific genre ranging from best eyebrows to most likely to be famous. Every class looks forward to seeing who would win these attributes every year because it can be either funny or a compliment. Every senior in the class can vote for whoever they please. These are the senior superlatives for the class of 2023:

Most athletic: Noah Huda, Sarah Forsyth

Class Clown: Tommy Kushner, Tori Balestrino

Best Hair: Matthew Farkas, Sophia D’Angelo

Best Eyebrows: Andy Clark, Sophia Dedo

Best Dressed: Ben Harrell, Ava Nicholudis

Most likely to be famous: Dennis McCully and Ellie Shaffer

Couple that never was: Stazi Efthimiou and Caylee Catcott

Worts driver: Sidnee Deluca, Zach Martin

Most Artistic: Jacob Madden, Jenna Spagnola

Someone to meet your parents: Logan Flament and Kailyn Assion

Most likely to live in Poland Forever: Bella Beight and JP Genova

The Seminarian decided that we should ask some of the winners of these superlatives their thoughts.

When thinking about his selection for a superlative, Ben Harrell said, “I feel honored, this title does not come lightly. It takes effort and I have a reputation to uphold for the year.”

Dennis McCully reflected, “I feel very honored that my classmates hold me in such high esteem.”

Sidnee Deluca said, “I feel pretty embarrassed but it’s funny.”