Small Businesses Promote Sustainability in Poland 

Monthly, “The Vegan Bazaar” market gathers at the Poland Library, promoting small businesses and their sustainable products. From vegan food to plants, home essentials, and self care items, The Vegan Bazaar features a variety of animal cruelty-free products to buy. 

Owner, Kate Lewis, took time to highlight her intent for bringing the vegan market to life.

Lewis said, “I am a huge supporter of encouraging others to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and understand how hard the ups and downs of business growing pains can be…”. She then adds, “Business 101 is finding the right customer base when you make a unique product while bringing a supply to meet a demand so, I thought, why not make one that supports my friends’ businesses and brings more people into the fold as well.”

Bringing The Vegan Bazaar to Poland and the Mahoning County area also spreads awareness about animal cruelty and lets a variety of small businesses thrive. 

Many businesses selling their product here participate every month, meanwhile others do it once, or on occasion. Lucky Cat Crochet, a business run by two students from PSHS, even had their market debut at this month’s Vegan Bazaar. Local creators that were featured at this month’s market happily took the chance to explain their products and the values they have when it comes to their business.

  • Sustaining Bliss, a Poland-based business whose mission is to provide items that are “good for your home, and good for the environment.” Loving the passion that shoppers have, Bonnie from Sustaining Bliss enjoys helping people find items that will end up staying in their home rather than in the landfill.


  • Deep Roots, the only cold pressed juicery in Youngstown, strives to ensure that their juices “use ingredients that taste good and are good for you,” says business owner Carmella. Their juice is for self care purposes, mainly to benefit both hair and skin health.


  • Shady Grove Greenhouse, which offers a greater selection than just plants. Their other items, all eco-friendly and plant based, include candles, dough bowls, and planters that are uniquely made from materials on their farm.


  • Sarah from Mamalagel’s Bagels explains that her bagels “tie back to my family heritage.” The recipes are personal to her, and have a sense of nostalgia and tradition when it comes to thinking about her family and Youngstown, where she is from and where her business is run out of.


  • Miller’s Mushrooms are grown sustainably year round. At the market, they not only offer grown and ready mushrooms, but also grow kits, so buyers have the chance to experience the process themselves. 


Lewis’s hope for the future is to make veganism attainable for Poland’s community, while continuing to support like minded businesses and reducing animal cruelty. Furthermore, she shared her favorite parts about running the market, including the importance of supporting female business owners and small businesses in general.

Lewis expresses the joy of bringing something as positive and beneficial as The Vegan Bazaar to Mahoning County: “The most fulfilling feeling in business is when you can create something that no one even realized was needed and it becomes a staple in your community that people look forward to.”

More than one vendor spoke on how the market offers a new demographic, giving them the opportunity to receive diverse feedback on their products. Even though the market is a small gathering for businesses alike, the vendors enjoy introducing the idea of sustainability to new people and the sense of community it brings to supporting what they are passionate about.