Clinton vs. Trump

Final Presidential Debate

For the last and final debate in Las Vegas Nevada, Trump shocked the audience by saying he might not accept the outcome of the November 8th election if it doesn’t go his way. He stated “I will tell you at the time. I will keep you in suspense”. Hillary called the remark ‘horrifying’, later adding: ‘ One of our hallmarks has always been that we accept the outcomes of our elections.’’ Trump was down in the polls and needed a win. Hillary was gaining voters and needed to stay on top.

The debate had high tensions for both candidates and not a shocker, it began and ended without the traditional handshake between the candidates. The debate touched on many important issues including immigration, abortion, and Trump building his wall. Hillary is strongly pro choice all the way up to the day of the birth. Whereas Trump is not, they disagreed on everything they talked about. Whether or not we know who really won, it is certain that Trump did not agree to respect or become suspicious of Hillary Clinton winning the election. We’ll just have to wait and see till November 8th! Make sure you vote!