Featured Athlete: Pad O’Shaughnessy


Name: Pad O’Shaughnessy

Sport: Baseball

Position: First Base

Height / Weight: 5’11” 225lbs

Key Stats / Accomplishments: 2 year state qualifier, 1st team all conference, 1st team all Ohio


Meal: Sandwich Factory

Music: Pump up music (rap, rock, electronic, Christmas music)

Key motivation: Win state, break records, play at the next level

Other: White sleeve for every game (superstition)


Seminarian: Is baseball your favorite sport?

Pad O’Shaughnessy: Yes, baseball is my favorite sport to play.

Sem: Why do you play baseball?

PO: I play baseball because I love the sport, and I have been playing since I was very young. It’s a big part of my life now.

Sem: If you were to start your baseball career from scratch, what would you change and why?

PO: The only thing I would change is my work ethic and toughness, mentally and physically. I would change these because I like to think that there is no limit on improvement. I wouldn’t change schools or anything like that because I love my team.

Sem: What kind of things do you do in the off season to make yourself a better player?

PO: In the off season, I work on the small details that add up to make me a good player. I play more than one sport, so my off season training consists of multiple different workouts and challenges.

Sem: How do you feel after receiving a plethora of accomplishments over the past 2 years?

PO: I’m very grateful about my accomplishments, but none of it could have been done without my team and coaches.

Sem: Finally, how would you like this upcoming season to end?

PO: Obviously, I would like the season to end successfully. Breaking records and going to state would be great, but having a good time with all my brothers for my last season is more important. I want the season to end happily for everyone.