Child Development Class Integrates Real World Experience


Mrs. Walsh’s Child development classes are participating in a during- school program in which staff or friends of staff bring in their 2 ½  to 5 year old children to be watched during their class period. Students receive a hands on experience with the children which helps them learn more than just seeing or watching them. Mrs. Walsh said that it was the students idea last year to start up this program, and it has been very beneficial in helping the students learn more about the children.

The students are very happy they get to work with these children.  

Senior Jamie Ranalli said, “It is a great learning experience seeing how kids work and preparing for the future.”

This program is really helping the students learn a lot more about what strengths and weaknesses children have at different ages and how it affects how they behave, and it shows the students how to handle different children that come through the door.

If you or someone you know has a child and they want them to be apart of this program. it is on 5/8, 5/10, 5/15, and 5/17. They meet from 9:35 until 10:24.

Please contact Mrs. Walsh if you are interested or for more information: [email protected].