Veterans Day Flag Mural from MCCTC Students


An American Flag mural is the newest addition of art at PSHS. This project was executed and completed by students of Mahoning County Career and Technical Center this past Veteran’s Day. 

Math Teacher at MCCTC for the Arts Academy program, Monica Ciarniello, created this math project that helped to incorporate a multitude of different standards.

Ciarniello said, “The students had to take proportions of the American Flag that were given in class, and then they had to make an American Flag from [palate board].” 

She then picked the top six students that she felt would be best for this project. The main reason she picked this project was because of how well it was able to incorporate many standards that are needed in students who attend MCCTC in several different areas such as the creative arts, culinary, and cosmetology. 

Throughout this project, the students used fractions to decimal conversions with the ruler and different measurements on their programs, so this tied into their lab standards and real world experiences with math. With the stars, they have to use a protractor to figure out 72 degrees for the points of the stars which is a lot of math.

 The flag that these students made is located on the back wall of Mr. Martin’s room. 

Ciarniello agreed that this was a good way to give back for Veteran’s Day as well as show patriotism.