State Testing


Here at Poland High School, students are required to engage in an academic standardized testing program. The classes that evaluate a student’s ability to perform the state’s requirements include: English, Algebra, Geometry, U.S History, Biology, and Government. Regardless of the controversy standardized testing has due to the great amounts of stress placed upon students and teachers, it is best that we still prepare students for these tests in order to meet the state’s standards. As the upcoming months approach, various preparation methods and tips can be utilized in order to avoid stressors or issues students may encounter. 

Rather than solely focusing on the standardized tests, students would benefit from learning as much material as they can in class and not putting unnecessary pressure on themselves to succeed. 

Placing unnecessary pressure on student’s can hurt in the long run due to the fact that, “Many students put extra pressure on themselves during this time which an often cause unnecessary stress and decrease performance. The teaching staff and students have done a good job preparing throughout the year, so the biggest thing is not to put too much pressure on themselves so they can relax and perform at their best,” Mr. Snyder pointed out. 

As long as students are giving their greatest effort, the test should not be too rigorous for them. 

Over the years, students are becoming more and more ready for these tests because “the teacher is preparing you like a coach each and every day so that you are ready for game day. If you are doing all you can do each and every day, the test should not be an issue. I think of it like practice for a sport,” Mr. Snyder noted. 

Lastly, Mr. Snyder gives a practice resource in which he finds beneficial for student preparation: 

To conclude, some useful tips for a pathway to success on standardized tests include: students learning as much material as they can in the classroom, giving their greatest effort, not putting unnecessary pressure on themselves to do well, and utilizing practice resources such as the one Mr. Snyder provided.