Spring Cleaning 2023

A great thing to do over the next couple months and into the spring is to start organizing and cleaning! It is a very productive idea a lot of people like to pick up into the New Years and throughout the spring to occupy their time. 

Here are some great cleaning habits to pick up and to obtain throughout the spring: 

Creating a checklist: 

The first possible habit that many tend to want to do in the spring is creating a checklist! It can vary depending on how much time you plan on putting into cleaning and how messy or gross your cleaning environment is. It also depends on how clean things are now, and how much you need to get done! 

I highly suggest to create your very own individual and customized checklist of small cleaning tasks that need completed! It is a great idea in order to motivate you. 

Take your cleaning tasks in increments: 

A great suggestion that many experienced cleaners like to do is to plan on certain tasks for specific time increments. 

I find it that in order to be motivated to clean my room I will approach this by shuffling my favorite playlist and by setting a 45 minute timer on her phone and to just let myself clean. I find it more motivating to do these tasks with a time limit in mind and some good music in the background. If everything that needs done is not done yet, it is wise to take a 15 minute break and to repeat process. 

Also, I find myself getting more done because occasionally after the first 45 minute timer is up I will not set another timer after the first one goes off, and I tend to just finish the task I am on.

It also varies on the task you are completing; you can also set a timer for shorter or longer increments depending on your preference in order to get those tasks done! 

Tasks to add onto your checklist: 

I added the following tasks to my cleaning checklist:

   Small Tasks to do around the whole house

  • Do a load of laundry
  • Make all of the beds in the house
  • Fold all used blankets and either store them away in a closet or on your bed
  • Sweep all the floors in your house
  • Mop all hard floors in the house
  • Vacuum everything in all the rooms
  • Dust everything in all the rooms
  • Reorganize  things how you want them
  • Put clutter away
  • Clean up after pets;, sweep up or vacuum any messes they made; replace their food bowls, and water, wash their dishes, clean their litter boxes or take them outside, and put away toys into a box when aren’t in use to declutter.
  • Wipe off and wash all the windows in your house


  • You can start by taking all your clothes and belongings out of the closet and vacuum the closet. 
  • Go through all of your clothes and make a sell, donate, and keep pile. Even if this means trying on clothes to make sure they still fit or that you still like them or will wear them again. 
  • Rearrange your clothes and belongings in there how you want them. 
  • Something you can do to organize your clothes efficiently if any ideas are needed is to arrange them in order of the rainbow of each other. For example you can start with red and end with purple. You can start with your short sleeves and work your way into the sweaters or sweatshirts towards the back. 
  • Another smart and efficient step is to find the clothes in piles in other places such as floors (depending on how messy you are) and hang them up if they are not put away.  


  •  You can start to deep clean your room by taking all the bedroom sheets and pillow cases off, replacing and washing them. 
  • The next step would to be make your bed. 
  • Dust off countertops/nightstands/desks
  • Additionally, make sure to vacuum all the bedrooms 
  • Make sure you also store all belongings away into spaces where they belong (hang up clothes) 
  • Reorganize everything and clutter where you want it in each room.


  • Dust off countertops 
  • Clean the shower/tub and toilets
  • Put away the clutter
  • Reorganize any items where you want them
  • Replace the garbage if it is needed at that moment.
  • Wipe off sinks and clean them out 
  • Below is a picture the narrator pasted of a sink wiped down: 

 Kitchens/Dining Rooms 

  • Make sure all of the dishes are in your dishwasher
  • Run a load of dishes through dishwasher
  • Put dishes away
  • Take out everything from cabinets to reorganize, dust, and clean them out.
  • Wipe off all of the countertops 
  • Go grocery shopping for more food if needed


  • It would be smart to move your car out of the garage before cleaning or doing anything. 
  • Take everything out of garage
  • Vacuum the entire garage
  • Put things back where it is necessary to be and reorganize if needed.
  • Pull vehicle/vehicles back into garage! 


  • You can start by taking everything that you can out of your car/vehicle that you decided on cleaning. 
  • You can clean everything, wipe things off and dust everything in sight
  • The next wise step would be to vacuum all spaces and everything 
  • The next step would be to clean out trash and belongings that aren’t needed.
  • After that is complete, you can reorganize everything where you think it should be and put everything back. 
  • Then, if possible you can also go to your local car wash and run your car through the car wash! 

Once you are finished and still wouldn’t mind cleaning with the free time that you have on your hands, you can still: 

  • Help others who need to clean and repeat checklist just with them depending on if they live with you or not.