The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

  The play is coming up soon, in fact, by the time you read this it might already be happening. Mrs. Fonagy is excited for PSHS to come see it.

Fonagy picked The Legend of Sleepy Hollow because many students read it in English class and being able to watch it, will help them grasp the idea better. She also thinks it’s a great way to learn classic literature.

So, there is going to be a spring play, and a lot of you might be unsure about joining.  I asked Mrs. Fonagy why you should join and she told me about how every kid she sees in town that used to do play said it was the best thing they ever did, and if you want to join, then just come to the meeting in January.  

The spring musical is another chance for students to be involved and be apart of an outside school activity.

““It’s a lot of fun. Try it, and if you don’t like it then don’t do it, but at least give it a chance,” Nate Garthwait said.  

The play will be on Thursday through Saturday at 7pm. The cast and crew is excited for everyone to come witness this play.